Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Taos Falls

I'm comfortable painting big; maybe more so than working on small pieces. I find I work faster and somewhat looser with big renderings. Here's one I've almost finished -- meaning I've reached the point where I let it rest  while I try to ignore it until I can go back to critique it with a fresh eye.  Then I'll either make changes or . . . not. If I do tweak it later, I'll post the finished product. Meanwhile, here's how this one has progressed.

Taos Falls
48" x 48" oil on canvas


  1. Hi Rose, just found your blog. Your work is beautiful. Thanks for posting these WIP photos. It's nice to see the painting come alive.

  2. Thanks, Nancy! The hard part is remembering to stop and take photos along the way.
    I like your work too!
